Questions and Answers

if you don't find your answers here you can contact us to make your questions.

Ok, how much does it really cost?

if you subscribe to 2 graphic novels per month the cost will be 6€ each graphic novel. There is no extra cost. The costs of deliveries and maintenance are on us.

Still confuse, give me an example of how much I will pay

if you decide to read 2 graphic novels per month it will cost you 12€ per month. If you want to read 3 graphic novels per month the cost will be 16€ per month. If you want to read only 1 graphic novel per month the cost will be 8€ per month. See our simple pricing model

Am I saving any money?

the price of purchasing any of these award winner graphic novels is of 25€ in average. So if you subscribe for 2 graphic novels per month you are effectively saving 38€ per month, as hard as it sounds.

Can I choose the graphic novels I receive?

yes. You can select what graphic novels from our inventory you are interested on. We can not warranty in which delivery will be each graphic novel but we will be sure we select only the ones you have chosen.

Can I change my interest selection?

yes. Any time. As many times you want.

When do I have to return the graphic novels?

at the end of the month. So you can receive the new ones at the beginning of the month. That gives you around 20 days to read your graphic novels.

Can I keep a graphic novel if I like it so much?

if you insist, you can purchase from us with a 30% discount over the price of the market.

Will I receive only brand new graphic novels?

nop, the graphics novels are co-owned for all members. We ask the members to treat the graphic novels with care. We will try to remove from our inventory any graphic novel that is not in good conditions.

When and how can I cancel?

You can cancel any time, no questions asked.

How and when do I pay?

you can pay with your credit card or Paypal. Your subscription will be charged at the beginning of each month.

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